Biblioteche di Prato e provincia
Luciano Bettarini music library of Giuseppe Verdi's music school of Prato
Presentation of the library
The city School of music "Giuseppe Verdi", was established as a city school for violin in 1748. Its aim is to disseminate the musical culture through the development of didactic activities and music programming. The library was initially a purely educational structure and has been transformed into a specialized centre and was opened to the public in 1993. It collect musical material in print, as well as historical collections belonged to musicians of Prato. Among these, the dominant core of the library, you can find, the Fund Bettarini, the Fund Silenzi, the Fund Carraresi (about 4.000 vinyl records) and the Historical Funds: vintage autographs and copies of the compositions of Prato musicians of the last century, some of them - as Cesare Ciardi - of undisputed importance. The Fund Ciardi was donated by the Choir “Guido Monaco”.
- Holding of volumes : 1800;
- Scores: 8000;
- Current periodicals: 10;
- Disks /CD: 4.500 (classical, contemporary, jazz and Latin American);
- Microfilms: 6 (musical manuscripts of 700);
- 1 workplace for musical writing;
- 1 workplace for listening music .
Reading places
- Information and counselling on specialized literature;
- Local and interlibrary loan;
- Listening posts;
- Software for music writing.