Biblioteche di Prato e provincia

Francesco Datini International Institute for Economic History's library of Prato

In April 1998, the Institute opened the library to the public, specialized in economic history, characterized by a strong international dimension.

After the initial phase of cataloguing the existing collection, began the acquisition of library material, that, especially for books published out of Italy, will pay particular attention to the works of economic history which are not available in the library system of Prato and Florence.

It is also running the subscription activation to more specialized international journals, in addition to those already present in the collection.

Next to the traditional library materials, the library collects dissertations recently approved but not yet published, documentary materials of historical interest (texts, bibliographies, essays,...) found in Internet and non-books material (microfilm reproducing archival sources and multimedia productions which may be of interest to scholars in the field).

You can also see a rich documentation of digitized images (about 12.000 images) for which we are working on creating a thesaurus which allows the rapid availability for thematic references and content. You can access this database from the beginning of May 2001 in the section "library online". In the same section are also available the indices of a large number of magazines of economic and social history, Italian and foreign, and the full text of Federigo Melis "Industry and commerce in the medieval Tuscany".

The online catalogue, which includes at present approximately 7.000 titles, can be viewed individually and was integrated into the collective catalogue of the documentary resources of the provincial territory.

Opening time From monday to friday: 9.00 - 13.00
On telephone appointment, you can consult the library also in different times from those of opening.
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Data ultima revisione dei contenuti della pagina: mercoled 13 marzo 2019

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