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Biblioteche di Prato e provincia

Documentation Centre of Deportation and Resistence of Prato

The Documentation Centre of Deportation and Resistance has a room reserved for meetings and conferences with the possibility of projections. The building has a library and a video library, a space reserved for consultation of the material of the Centre and individual computer workstations.

The Centre aims to provide students and citizens, with particular attention to the younger generation, resources on various supports that help to understand and reflect on the historical processes that have marked the twentieth century. In particular the documentation focused on the memory of the deportations and movements of resistance to fascism and Nazism was organized and made available in a way, that is not only useful for specialized research but also for educational initiatives.

Opening time From October to May:
Monday and Thursday: 15.00 - 18.00
From June to September:
from Monday to Friday: 9.30 - 12.30
Monday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday: 16.00 - 19.00
<strong>Office manager</strong>: Camilla Brunelli
Caricamento Google Maps.......attendere

Data ultima revisione dei contenuti della pagina: mercoled 13 marzo 2019

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