Biblioteche di Prato e provincia

Centre for Contemporary Luigi Pecci CID/Visual Arts's library of Prato

Presentation of the library

The Library of the Cid / Visual Arts is specialized in contemporary art, with functions of collection, storage and distribution of information on the exhibitions held in the most important cultural institutions in the world and the art movements in recent decades.

Of particular interest is the collection of minor material and gray literature (invitations, flyers, posters, press-releases), which allows you to find important information about arts events for which there has bee produced a catalog and thus destined to disappear. The documentary material comes mostly from a network of trade with major museums, galleries and public and private institutions working in the arts sector. The bibliographical and artistic events complementary to them, along with the bare specialized magazines, give rise to a single database of its kind in Europe.

The Special Funds are a cause of particular interest to students: the Fund Ferruccio Marchi is dedicated to the fifties, sixties and seventies of the twentieth century and the historical exhibitions such as the Venice Biennale, the Milan Triennale and Documenta in Kassel, the Fund Artist Books consists of books illustrated by Artists, books and exhibition catalogs designed by artists, books and book-objects-work, The Fund Vincitorio contains the correspondence of the Roman art critic Francesco Vincitorio with the art world, a photographic archive and a collection in five volumens of the journal “NAC-Notiziario di arte contemporanea” (1968-1974), of which he was the founder and leader. Being completed the cataloguing of works of art from the permanent collection of the Museo Pecci, made through the card OAC (Works of Contemporary Art) initiative inside the project "Regional Information Service of Cultural Heritage - Cataloguing Centre for modern and contemporary art".

Finally the Cid /Visual Arts notes with interest the documentary production linked to the activity of the artists whose works are included in the permanent collection and of those eligible to exhibit in the Centre for Contemporary Art in Prato.


Special Funds:

  • Fund Marchi;
  • Archival Fund: F. Vincitorio;
  • Fund of Artist Books;
  • Fund for minor material.

Funds of local interest:

  1. Catalogues;
  2. Invitations;
  3. Press releases;
  4. Posters of exhibitions held in Prato organized by public and private entities.


  • Owned books: 40000;
  • Current periodicals: 85;
  • Ceased magazines: 199;
  • Audiovisual: 400;
  • Internet terminals: 3.

Reading places



  • Information and counseling for specialized bibliography;
  • Teaching of the library;
  • Local and interlibrary loan;
  • Interchange;
  • Photo reproductions;
  • Full internet access;
  • Publishing activities.
Opening time Tuesday and Thursday: 13.00 - 18.00
Wednesday and Friday: 10.00 - 15.00
<strong>Office manager</strong>: Franco Neri
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Data ultima revisione dei contenuti della pagina: mercoled 13 marzo 2019

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