Biblioteche di Prato e provincia

Unione italiana sport per tutti's library - UISP of Prato

Presentation of the library

The Committee UISP of Prato is responsible for promoting and organizing sports activities for all citizens. There are horizontal structures working to support all these activities, among them the Sector Training and Planning, addressed to the growth of managers, operators and employees of the Association of which the Library is a central point. The Library UISP was set up as an internal documentation centre, to support in particular the section of Training, and it was opened parallel with the external information. This resulted in the need to catalogue all the material made so that the Committee UISP of Prato has produced and purchased.

The texts of various types, relevant to the areas of intervention of the Association (psychology, pedagogy, specialist disciplines, teaching of physical activity, sport and associations) are accompanied by a large collection of gray material (documents of associations, conferences, training, etc...).

The Administrative Section is very big, with collections of texts in themes of sport and corporate. The Library is the result of a project carried out in collaboration with the Province and the Commune of Prato. Since 1997 it is open to all citizens and is attended by students, teachers of physical activity and also by interested members of a discipline.


  • Owned books 600;
  • Videos: 100 (transmissions Uisport, events of UISP, technical film records);
  • CD-ROM: 3 (sports project).

Reading places



  • Information and counseling for specialized literature;
  • Local and interlibrary loan.
Opening time Monday to Friday from 9.30 to 12.30
<strong>Office manager</strong>: Arianna Nerini
Caricamento Google Maps.......attendere

Data ultima revisione dei contenuti della pagina: mercoled 13 marzo 2019

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