Biblioteche di Prato e provincia

Alpine Club's library - Section Emilio Bertini of Prato

Presentation of the library

The Section in Prato of the Italian Alpine Club "Emilio Bertini", since its foundation in the last century, has promoted the development of geographical, environmental and natural culture through the assiduous divulgation, made up of conferences, meetings and especially hiking.

From the beginning, biking, skiing, mountaineering and caving are the main activities of the CAI section of Prato and its library reflects all these interest. The Library, designed as a service for mountain lovers and the natural environment, provides substantial support to those wishing to find news and publication on specific routes and nature trails.
It has a printed catalogue divided into thematic sections and the Section Mountaineering is the most consistent. The services of information, promoting reading, library acquisitions are effective means of dissemination in the four-monthly “Bollettino” published by the section.

The “Bollettino” hosts also a careful bibliographic headings of reviews and of recent purchases.
The website reproduces interesting articles on meteorology, guidance, pioneering, already published in the magazine. The library also serves a didactic function that is not only directed to members, in the promotion of scientific activities and knowledge of the mountain environment, in line with the functions of public importance attributed to the CAI by State laws.


  • Owned books: over 1000;
  • Current periodicals: 9;
  • Videos: 60;
  • Topographic maps; CD-Rom.

Reading places



  • Information and counselling specialized literature;
  • Local and interlibrary loan;
  • Sale of books of the series "Guida Monti d'Italia", published by CAI.
Opening time Tuesday and Friday: 21.00-23.00
<strong>Office manager</strong>: Fiorenzo Gei
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Data ultima revisione dei contenuti della pagina: gioved 16 giugno 2016

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