Biblioteche di Prato e provincia

Study and Documentation Centre of CEIS Prato social cooperative NPO of Prato

Presentation of the library

The library started working in 1980 as a Centre for Documentation and Training aimed at people who for various reasons lent their service in the structure.

Over time, depending on the training needs, were purchased books and journals that currently make up the heritage of the library and it was decided to open the centre also to the public for consultation and loan. The library contains specialized books, journals, documents on themes of drug dependence and related issues (exclusion, volunteers, prison, psychology and psychiatry, education, sociology). There is also a new section on eating disorders.

Over the past 5 years the interest has shifted notably in training and education, aimed at parents, teachers and educator, in themes of prevention of youth problems and promoting wellness.

The website of the Centre provides cared and updated access on interventions (family intervention, rehabilitation, prevention) and on operators (volunteers-friends, external relations), reporting the last news about activities and services in the section Nuovi progetti and News.

Since 2009, the library is called “CEIS cooperative sociale ONLUS” (social cooperative NPO).


  • Owned books: 1.000;
  • Current periodicals: 14;
  • Videos: 10 (only for internal use).

Reading places



  • Information and counselling specialized literature;
  • Local an interlibrary loan.
Opening time From Monday to Friday: 9.30 - 12.30 and 15.00 - 17.00
Afternoon by appointment only
<strong>Office manager</strong>: Leonardo Caponi
Caricamento Google Maps.......attendere

Data ultima revisione dei contenuti della pagina: venerd 17 giugno 2016

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